

Our traditional blend offer well-balanced acidity and body. They tend to be more textured and slightly creamy body, with a taste that lingers longer on the palette.  More multi-dimensional and savory, our medium blends are among some of our most popular blends.
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One of our consistent favorites is the brazilian flavour, where the coffee is laid out to sun dry with the cherry on. This imparts a rich dry fruit flavor onto the coffee bean, and adds to the body of the cup!
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Dark Roast

Our dark roasted coffees tend to have fully developed roast profiles with low acidity and heavy syrupy body. The thick body and nuanced tastes of chocolates and spicy notes balance the bittersweet with the sweet lingering on the palette without unpleasant bitter notes. Many of our dark blends are enjoyed as after dinner or dessert coffees.
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Our decaffeinated coffee has the same rich and intense flavor as our traditional coffee but in a decaf version.‍‍
$ 10